Wrap-up 2018 #2 | Books 4-10 > All Systems Red, HP & the Prisoner of Azkaban, Human Acts, Dark Matter & more

Hello, Rita here! 🌼 Maybe I should stop falling down the booktube-wrap-up/tbr-videos rabbit hole and spend more time creating my own bookish content 🤔 I'm trying to figure out if I should keep my wrap-ups short in info with only a brief sinopse, my general thoughts and my final rating and if I have a bit more... Continue Reading →

Rick and Morty Book Tag

Hello, Rita here!  Long time no see!! Today I'm (finally) back with a book tag! I really have to start doing more of these (2018 goals 😉 ). I saw Ish from ReadingRealm doing this tag on youtube and I also watched the original video and Willow's video at thereadingcorner! You should check them out!  Aaaaand I really like Rick and Morty, so let's start!

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